Photograph of art materials on a table and an open sketchbook with drawing of a portrait

Mondays: 13 January | 20 January | 27 January | 10 February | 17 February| 24 February | 3 March | 10 March

No session on 3 February

Art 4 Home Ed

For children learning outside of school settings

Explorers (age 8–11) | 10am–12pm

Adventurers (age 12–16) | 1pm–3pm

£100 for 8 sessions (payable in advance)

Art workshops for home educated children aged between 8–16 years. A chance for students to explore a wide variety of artistic media and approaches alongside an experienced art educator, and work towards their Arts Award.

We run two sessions according to age: Explorers (age 8-11) from 10am–12pm and Adventurers (age 12–16) from 1pm–3pm.

Students are asked to bring an A3 sketchbook to use, and any favourite drawing materials.

Term dates:

13, 20, 27 January | 10, 17, 24 February | 3, 10 March

Please note there will be no session on 3 February.

Booking is essential. To book a place, please e-mail, ask at the front desk or call 01237 471455