‘Of All The People In All The World’
If you get the chance to visit the Burton in the summer holidays, we think you’ll love the exhibition in gallery 2 by theatre group Stan’s Café –
On the gallery floor, you will see lots of piles of rice which represent numbers of people.
Every grain of rice represents one person, there may even be a grain of rice which represents you!
Have a go yourself
- Wash your hands, and ask if you can borrow some rice and a set of kitchen scales, you will also need some clean paper and a pencil.
- Count out grains of rice to represent you and your family
3.Here’s a little cheat for you… Stan’s café, worked out that 60 grains of rice weigh 1 gram, so we worked out that if there were 600 people in your school, you would need to weigh out 10 grams of rice.
Just divide the number of people you want to represent by 60, much easier than counting each grain separately.
4. See if you can represent some of your own statistics using rice.
- We would be so interested to see your set of statistics, so please send us pictures of your top three.
- Now you can re-use the rice to make something delicious…we’d love to see what you cook up, so please send in your foodie photos too.