

FREE initiative for 14-19 yr olds!

An opportunity for 14-19 year olds to get creative, work with artists and explore developing a career in the arts. FREE - places limited. Booking required. Sessions are fortnightly from Wednesday 1 November.

By |Thursday, October 5, 2023|

Pyrography sessions bring positive impact to Men’s Sheds

Earlier this year The Burton at Bideford, Art Gallery & Museum collaborated with Red Earth Developments on a new Men’s Sheds art initiative. Pyrography sessions ran bi-weekly at the gallery led by practitioner Ned Morgan. [...]

By |Monday, December 5, 2022|

Women First Christmas Cards on sale now

Women First Art Group Christmas cards are now on sale at the Burton shop. ‘Women First Art Club’, run in collaboration with the Women First project. It's a partnership between Encompass Southwest, NDADA and Mind [...]

By |Friday, October 28, 2022|

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